Have you ever felt yourself losing it…as you slipped out of control into rage? Relationships don’t last long when anger is your go-to response to conflict or difficulty. And yet, anger is an honest emotion that can’t just be bottled up. Come and learn how to process and move past anger into wholeness and experience the impact in your relationships.

Upcoming Events

23 March Rock of Ages Church, 130 Kingsmere Pl, Saskatoon 17:30 - 20:30, Sunday

Spoken Word Ministries Association Fundraiser Banquet

Join us for an evening with Spoken Word Ministries Association! The event will include a banquet, live music, and prizes. Pastor Boyd Hopkins will be recounting the remarkable journey of …

28 March St. Peter's Lutheran Church, George Fox Trail, Cochrane, AB. T4C 2E6 19:00 - 16:00, Friday

Foundations for Dealing With The Demonic

Join us at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Cochrane, Alberta on Friday & Saturday, March 28 & 29th, for this teaching. Have you ever wondered what Jesus was talking about …

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