Our Vision:

To see the lost saved, the bound set free and everyday believers equipped to share their freedom in Christ.

Our Mission:

To proclaim the gospel and equip believers for ministry.

How We Do This:

  1. Preaching events that are evangelistic.
  2. Active one-on-one evangelism.
  3. Teaching events.
  4. Consulting/partnering with congregational/institutional (Bible schools) leadership , and working in conjunction with Church leaders in the context of ministry events to problem solve issues that are spiritual in nature.
  5. Prayer.
  6. Resources.

Our Core Beliefs

We are Trinitarian in our theology according to the Confessions of the early Church as laid out in the Apostles and Nicene Creeds. These creeds speak of the central and literal truths of the Christian faith as they are revealed in the Holy Bible.

We uphold the Holy Bible as the complete and true Word of God for us today.

We believe the daily Christian walk to be an ongoing and dynamic encounter with the living God.

We believe that all Christians are called to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit and in support of one another.

We believe that a developing prayer life, an active faith community, regular study and application of God’s Word to daily life are key to the development of faith and character in any believer.

We believe that the call to serve the larger body of Christ is central to our ministry. We seek to meet the needs and enhance the ministries of the local and global Church as it reaches out to a lost world.

Our Team


Boyd Hopkins

Rev. Boyd Hopkins M.Div. is the founder of Spoken Word Ministries Association and Hopkins Ministries International. Boyd is an ordained minister with 30 years of experience in congregational and para-church ministries as a pastor, international speaker, researcher, and writer. He works both in North America and in the third world, preaching evangelistically as well as writing and teaching in regard to equipping believers for hands-on ministry in today’s context. Boyd has a heart to see the evangelism of the lost, the redemption of the fallen, and everyday believers living in the freedom and power of God.

Boyd Hopkins

Alison Uitti (B. Ed, CERTESL)

Ministry Coordinator and Chaplain, Saskatoon Office

Alison has been involved in every corner of operations for Spoken Word Ministries since she began volunteering about 10 years ago. Her involvement took a significant jump after retiring from teaching English as an additional language in the Saskatoon school system. Some of her recent initiatives have been the one day “Jesus Our Healer” seminars for women, the weekly Hospital Ministry that went from on-site in the hospital to online on our FB page, and the All Nations Community events combined with R&R (Revive and Restore testimony and worship times) that began fall 2021. Alison is extremely gifted and enthusiastic and we are excited to see where the Lord will take her as she continued to spread her wings and follow the Lord’s leading.

Alison Uitti

Jacqueline Hopkins (BA)

Administration, Publicity, Prayer Ministry, Speaking

Jacqueline’s work with Spoken Word Ministries covers a wide range of needs. Jacqueline provides support for Boyd’s national and international ministry assignments. She manages the online technology platforms for Spoken Word as well as creating posters to advertise events for both the Alberta and Saskatchewan branches of the ministry. She oversees communication with those who contact SWMA and organizes volunteers for the Alberta branch events with an overarching focus on hospitality. She also cares for the needs of others through prayer ministry and mentoring and this includes caring for the staff with wisdom and integrity. Her heart for Jesus shines through in everything she sets her hand to.

Jacqueline Hopkins

Barb Friesen

Counselor (ACCT), Certified Grief Recovery Method Instructor, Speaker, Prayer Minister

Barb has been an enthusiastic and dedicated member of the SWMA staff since 2012. For several years she has been involved in administration, event coordination and counselling. Currently her role involves counselling (including part time counselling at LCBI high school), prayer ministry, speaking at seminars and retreats as well as facilitating multiple “Grief Recovery Method” courses under the SWMA umbrella. Her love for people makes her so approachable and easy to talk to that she is sought after by many for counseling and prayer. We are so thankful for her gifts, her dedication and her passion to share the love of Jesus to as many people as she can. “Spoken Word is not the shiny, shiny, let’s-have-it-all-together thing. It pitches the Gospel in the real, honest, messy way that it truly is.” (Barb Friesen, 2021)

Barb Friesen

Corinne Shantz (RN)

Prayer Ministry Coordinator, Speaker, Dedicated Student of Prayer and Prophecy

Corinne has volunteered with Spoken Word Ministries since it began in Mission, B.C. in 2003. Trained as an RN in her early years, she and her husband, Neil, raised three children, and is now grand-mothering 11 grandchildren. Corinne has been the heart and soul of our prayer ministry since she joined us. She has a passion for prayer and for seeing people come into freedom through prayer ministry. God has been faithful – and Corinne has witnessed His faithfulness, seeing so many people healed and freed as she has walked them through the process of freedom ministry in her patient, gentle yet powerful way. Corinne also volunteers as a prayer minister on the hospital ministry livestream and trains/mentors others in the prayer ministry process.


Scott & Kathy MacAvena

Seminar Speaker & Prayer Minister

Scott and Kathy live in Vanderhoof, BC. They have worked as missionaries with One Hope Canada and Echo Lake Bible Camp. They have also been involved in their local churches while working in the forestry industry. They have six children and five grandchildren. From 2008-2012 they lived in Saskatoon and volunteered on the SWMA team. God has been opening doors for their ministry in wonderful ways as Scott builds relationship with local ministry and band leaders. He steps into each opportunity to minister, whether it’s prayer ministry or teaching, with great faith and enthusiasm. We are so excited to see how the Lord’s hand has been guiding them both and anticipate much fruit as they continue to trust Jesus and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. Scott holds a 4 yr Bible School Degree in Christian Camp Ministry from Briercrest Bible College.

Scott and Kathy

Spoken Word Ministries is a registered Canadian charity with offices in Mission, British Columbia, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and Stony Plain, Alberta. Our American partner ministry is Hopkins Ministries International – a registered American charity with offices in Ypsilanti, Michigan, U.S.A.