Claude Daoust will be leading this 4 week men’s group going through the Problem of Porn teaching. It is a closed group, just for men; come, learn, share, find freedom. For more information or to register, email or cal 306-380-3097. June 3, 13, 20, 27 from 7-9pm.
POP in June
03 June
B3 - 3501 8th St. East. Saskatoon, SK.
19:00 - 21:00 | Saturday

Upcoming Events
23 March
Rock of Ages Church, 130 Kingsmere Pl, Saskatoon
17:30 - 20:30, Sunday
Spoken Word Ministries Association Fundraiser Banquet
Join us for an evening with Spoken Word Ministries Association! The event will include a banquet, live music, and prizes. Pastor Boyd Hopkins will be recounting the remarkable journey of …
28 March
St. Peter's Lutheran Church, George Fox Trail, Cochrane, AB. T4C 2E6
19:00 - 16:00, Friday
Foundations for Dealing With The Demonic
Join us at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Cochrane, Alberta on Friday & Saturday, March 28 & 29th, for this teaching. Have you ever wondered what Jesus was talking about …